

Frequently asked questions

Understand context tone, and language nuances. Users input specific details or prompts, and the AI generates high-quality content
  • How does KamerAI handle Data Security and Privacy?
    All data is stored on the edge without leaving the factory firewalls to ensure your cybersecurity. Please refer to https://kamerai.ai/data-security-privacy/
  • Is cloud-based application also available?
    Yes, KamerAI applications can run on the cloud for enterprise customers. However, we don't recommend it due to exponential cost and scale challenges. We can…
  • How long does deployment take?
    Deployment typically takes less than two months, but it varies depending on the scale of the project/use case.
  • What is the business case for various Use cases?
    ROI is less than 6 months
  • What systems does your technology integrate with?
    We integrate with WMS & HRMS systems, PLC controllers, IoT speakers, converyor, assembly line systems and other 3rd party systems in your plant. Cloud integrations…
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