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Can Computer Vision Help Drive Productivity Improvements in Manufacturing Plants?

Can Computer Vision Help Drive Productivity Improvements in Manufacturing Plants?

March 13, 2023

With the advent of the fourth industrial revolution, an increasing number of manufacturing companies are now investing in technology-driven innovations like the smart factory model. A Deloitte and MAPI study found that manufacturing companies have invested 20% more into smart factories than before the global pandemic.

Over the past decade, AI-enabled computer vision (CV) has accelerated the shift toward smart manufacturing. CV solutions are finding innovating applications at every stage of the manufacturing process, including procurement, supply, and distribution of the finished product. With its inherent scalability and intelligence, CV is also improving productivity while optimizing the use of available resources. Besides that, CV is used in the production line for automatic approval (or rejection) of finished products.

So, can computer vision technology improve manufacturing productivity? Let’s discuss that.

6 Applications of Computer Vision in Manufacturing

Computer vision technology has a host of applications in the manufacturing domain. Using high-resolution cameras and Artificial Intelligence (AI), CV-enabled solutions can automate a significant portion of manufacturing operations.

Here are some of the best use cases of computer vision in manufacturing:

1. Production Assembling

In an industry dominated by strict production standards and low tolerances for error, computer vision ensures that every finished (or semi-finished) product or component adheres to the relevant industry standards. Using connected cameras, CV systems enable manufacturing plants to continuously inspect their product for “tiny” defects as it moves through the assembly line.

CV systems can combine machine vision and intelligence, which is more sensitive than the human eye. This can boost productivity and customer trust by minimizing situations like product recalls or defective products. Additionally, it eliminates (or reduces) human intervention in monitoring the assembly line, thus minimizing human errors.

2. Predictive Maintenance

Without regular maintenance or repair, large machinery operating at extremely high temperatures is prone to constant breakdowns. Downtime due to a machine breakdown (even for a couple of hours) can significantly impact productivity in any manufacturing process. Predictive maintenance can save thousands of maintenance-related expenses for manufacturers. 

Computer vision technology can effectively monitor production equipment for any signs of aging or degradation. When integrated with AI and IoT, CV-enabled predictive maintenance is useful for accurately predicting machine failures and the best time for maintenance work. As such, using computer vision, manufacturers can proactively repair machine and machine components on time before they cause a complete malfunction or production delay.

3. Worker Safety

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were 2.6 million nonfatal workplace-related injuries in 2021. The manufacturing sector recorded a total of 137,000 cases with days away from work in 2021. This was mainly caused due to nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses. Workplace-related injuries are extremely damaging to manufacturing companies as it directly impacts overall productivity.

Many injuries occur when workers fail to comply with safety practices or regulations — for example, unauthorized entry of a worker to a “dangerous” part in manufacturing premises or workers not wearing a safety helmet or other equipment.

Using computer vision, manufacturers can create a safer environment for their workers. Compared to human (or manual) monitoring, CV solutions can track worker movement and monitor their adherence to safety regulations.

4. Barcode Reading

Most manufactured products have a barcode for easier identification and accurate billing. Traditionally, manufacturers have used manual methods to analyze barcode labels on products before dispatching them to the market. Manual verification is time-consuming and prone to human errors. Further, manufacturers incur high costs in handling the returns of products with defective barcodes.

Using computer vision technologies, “smart” factories can automate the process of barcode reading and analysis. They can detect any products with incorrect barcode labels and automatically redirect them away from the production line. Here is a case study of a supply chain company successfully using barcode scanning and optical character recognition to read the barcodes of outgoing packages.

5. Inventory Management

Optimum inventory levels are crucial for achieving a productive manufacturing process. Manual counting of inventories is time-consuming and prone to human errors, thus leading to production delays. CV-enabled systems can complement inventory management systems by delivering accurate counts of stock levels. Additionally, computer vision, along with real-time inventory tracking, enables manufacturers to monitor their acquired and shipped products from the warehouse.

Real-time inventory management with CV tools can automatically alert inventory managers on the best time to reorder their stock. Some of the benefits of computer vision in inventory management include:

  • Reduction in the operational costs
  • Faster and accurate inventory counting

6. Product Quality Management

Besides delivering defect-free products, manufacturers want their finished products to adhere to high-quality standards. With the increasing number of products, manufacturers need to automate quality inspection and management. Human quality control (QC) experts are limited to performing manual quality inspections.

An AI-enabled computer vision system can deliver quality management through the following means:

  • Monitoring the product quality as it goes through every stage of the manufacturing process
  • Detecting any anomalies in product specifications by comparing them with the accepted product standards
  • Performing a root cause analysis on why a product batch was defective


Enabled by AI, cutting-edge technology like computer vision is transforming the manufacturing industry and accelerating the onset of Industry 4.0. Smart factories are adopting CV solutions to reduce their dependence on human workers and increase overall productivity.

Since its inception, KamerAI has developed its expertise in AI-powered computer vision technology. Our customized CV platform caters to a host of industry domains, including manufacturing and supply chain. In the manufacturing industry, KamerAI enables the automation of various functions, including predictive maintenance, quality inspection, and workforce safety by enabling the powerful integrations of analytics, enterprise systems, and rich Computer Vision applications.

Looking for an expert technology partner to implement your next CV project? Get in touch with our consultants today!

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